Welcome to the Central Peninsula Church Podcast. Central Peninsula Church is a community in the heart of Silicon Valley that exists to make and mature more followers of Christ. We are a non-denominational church, dependent on the Word of God, gathering for weekly worship in Foster City, California, as well as online. For more than 50 years, we have been cultivating authentic relationships and welcoming people from all backgrounds into our community of faith, where we seek to support one another and compassionately engage the world around us as we live life side-by-side.
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Episode 28: Storms
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Friday Aug 12, 2022
This week, we’re turning the tables! Our Communications Pastor Sandy Hughes normally helps put together the CPC Real Life Together Podcast from behind the scenes. But this week, she’s joining us in front of the mic! Take a listen as Sandy, Kevin, and Rachel dig a little deeper into last week’s sermon, the best road trip snacks, and how we can build our faith in Jesus even in the midst of our storms.
What Hume Lake and the Sea of Galilee have in common - 6:25
- Sandy shares her story of being in the middle of a storm.
- The symbolism of the sea for Jewish people.
- The tension between fear and confidence for the disciples.
Following Jesus in the midst of storms - 17:36
- Who do we run to when things are hard?
- I am bringing God in the full human experience and His response to us.
Building faith to endure the storms - 25:56
- Building faith and family within our community.
- What do our gut responses in the midst of storms reveal about us?
- Encouragement to those feeling the weight of a storm.
- “The sea came to symbolize for them the dark power of evil. Yeah. Threatening to destroy god's good creation, God's people, and God's purposes.”
- “Following Jesus does not mean that the storms will never come. It isn't God removing us from circumstances.
- “I, I think the big, the big thing is we know who to run to in the middle of it. Yeah. I mean, we may not understand why, but eventually, you see God at work doing something in your own life, in your own soul. Yeah. And he has this for a reason.”
- I think about my life, in the middle of the storms. I really don't believe we're meant to go through those by ourselves. We can. We can choose to. But I think there's a piece of community that is so important.
- “If there's anything I've learned about Jesus being Lord over the storm, he loves us. He's in it with us. He's big enough to handle your grief, your anger, and whatever emotions you're feeling. And if there's anything I've learned in my life, I can trust him.”
Resources & References
- Gardettos - Kevin’s go to road trip snack.
- Burnt Peanuts and Bugles - Sandy’s go to road trip snack.
- Hot Cheetos and Gummy Bears - Rachel (and Kaciny’s) go to road trip snack.
- Mark 4:35-41 - Jesus and the disciples at the Sea of Galilee
- Psalm 107 -
Friday Aug 05, 2022
Episode 27: Counter Cultural
Friday Aug 05, 2022
Friday Aug 05, 2022
Jesus’ presence on Earth impacted the trajectory of life as we know it by virtue of how countercultural he was. Join Kevin and Brandon as they talk through the various ways that Christ's kingdom countered the ways of the world.
Defining the Kingdom of God - 10:00
- Start with what the kingdom of God is not.
- God as the ultimate reconciler.
- The Kingdom of God versus the Kingdom of Me
The Counter-Culture of Christ - 20:00
- The difference between Jesus’ way and our way.
- The transformative power of Christ in our lives.
- What is “The Good Life?”
- “ if you're just feeling like Jesus just always agrees with you I'm like your will like, oh yeah, my will is always just kind of Jesus' will it's always out. There's a chance that you're getting it wrong.”
- “...We can't employ means that are counter to the kingdom of God to then live into its reality.”
Resources & References
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Episode 26: Summer XP
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Kevin and Brandon sit down with Daniel Grunewald and Glendy Martin from the CPCKids Team.
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Episode 25: Hear
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
What do alien sounds and hearing the Gospel have in common? Join Kevin and Brandon for this episode of the CPC Real Life Together Podcast to find out as they talk through last week’s sermon and the weight of what it is to truly hear the Gospel.
The Good News - 10:58
- Brandon and Kevin process the idea that the Gospel is not good news for everybody.
- From building our lives around broken systems to reorienting our lives around Christ.
Wrestling with the Old Creation Dynamic - 16:53
- Peter’s struggle with the Gospel.
- The alternative logic of Kingdom dynamics.
- Becoming a student of the Kingdom.
How Do We Unlearn? - 23:20
- The importance of changing our habits.
- Becoming the kind of person who loves their enemies.
- Jesus puts the ball in our court to change.
- Unlearning the worries of this life.
Resources & References
- Endel - Soundscape App
- Build My Life - Housefires (ft. Pat Barrett)
- Mark 4 through Mark 8 - Scripture referenced in this episode
- The Divine Conspiracy - a book by Dallas Willard
- The Power of Habit - a book by Charles Duhigg
- Matthew 5:38-42
- Luke 18:18-26 - The parable of the Rich Young Ruler
- “...If you build your life around a system that is broken. Yeah. Um, it's gonna be painful to try to rip that system down.” - Brandon
- “I think that's the difference between... um, those who say they wanna follow Jesus and those who, who resist is the follower of Jesus, whether or not they figure it out and get there it's their deepest desire at their core saying, no, I want to follow this. Jesus. Wow. And then it's how do we get these strong desires in alignment with your deep desire?” - Kevin
To get in touch with us, you can email us at communications@cpc.org, leave a comment on our PodBean website, or leave a review on Apple Podcasts (or anywhere else you listen to podcasts)
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Episode 24: Fan
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Dan is back on the podcast this week as Brandon and Kevin talk with him about what it means to be a fan or follower of Jesus. Join us as we learn more about how Dan came to faith and the difference between being a fan of Jesus and a follower of Jesus.
Icebreaker - 0:46
- What is a sword drill?
- Dan shares a bit about his faith journey.
Fans vs Followers - 10:20
- What do a fan and a follower look like in our world and our faith?
- Jesus’ invitation to discipleship.
- What does it mean to be an apprentice?
Being With Jesus - 27:26
- Figuring out the balance between doing and simply being with Jesus.
- How Jesus modeled being in the presence of the Lord for us.
- The kind of people Jesus kept community with.
- (13:27) “A fan doesn't have skin in the game. There isn't a real impact on whether or not they continue being a quote fan of Jesus versus… you know, followers. They've got skin in the game… you know, you look at the disciples. They dropped their nets. They left everything. They left their old way of living to enter into a new one. And that radically changes their perspective on what it means to follow Jesus.”
- (28:32) “It begins with this relationship with him. And what emanates out of that relationship is the service that we do, you know, loving God and loving others, you know, and how that manifests itself using our gifts.”
Resources & References
- Dan’s Wallet Pen
- CPC Hot Ones
- Not a Fan - Book by Kyle Idleman
- John 10:10
- To get in touch with us, you can email us at communications@cpc.org, leave a comment on our PodBean website, or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever else you listen to podcasts.
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Episode 23: Sabbath
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
On today’s episode of the CPC Podcast, Kevin and Brandon explore the role of Sabbath in the Christian life. They reflect on this past week’s sermon and discuss how we can find healthier rhythms of rest and work in our own lives.
The god of efficiency - 9:12
- How over-prioritizing efficiency can be harmful in the long run
- Living in a state of soul fatigue
Sabbath in real-life - 22:23
- The origins of Sabbath in scripture
- Brandon reflects on his experience finding a rhythm of rest.
- What Sabbath is and is not.
- The gift that God gives us through sabbath
Resources & References
- Genesis 2
- Kitchen Table Talks - Brandon Pasion
- Shout out to Travis at the San Mateo Zoo
- “Sabbath is about reconstituting yourself. It's about bringing yourself the ways you've been frayed by your busy week saying, ‘Okay. Who, who am I again? Who am I in connection with God and who does God say I am?’”.
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Episode 22: Expose
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
This week, Brandon sits down with Dan Reid as they reflect on last week’s sermon. They discuss Jesus’ approach to engaging with people who were on the outside edges of society and how that can influence the way we engage with people today.
How Jesus Exposed Religion - 5:20
- What the gospel says about how to find freedom.
- How Jesus relates to those on the outskirts of society.
- From “Are you good enough?” to “Are you bad enough?”
How We Can Live Out Christ’s Example - 20:01
- How can we be like the Pharisees in our thinking?
- Who can we invite into our lives that we may not have ordinarily walked alongside?
- How does Jesus view the world and do we view it the same way?
- “Don’t let your tool become a rule.”
- “How much of your story is time spent with sinners?”
- “When it comes to relationships [disgust] was not something on Jesus’ radar… Jesus didn’t apply that to people. Jesus was there in the dirt, in the lowest of lows with the people society would say ‘I’m disgusted by you.’”
- There’s a big difference between being offended by behaviors and being disgusted by people.
Resources & References
- Arby’s
- Arbeit macht frei (German) - Work sets you free - found at the entrance of various concentration camps during the Holocaust.
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Episode 21: Forgiveness
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Forgiveness is a central part of the Christian life. Both as the gift we receive from Christ and as the gift we can extend to others. Join Kevin and Brandon as they unpack last week’s sermon and the way that forgiveness heals.
Jesus and the Paralyzed Man - 5:55
- Which people do we identify with in this story: the crowds or the scribes?
Accountability: What it Looks Like for Us - 19:23
- The Scribes: How they demonstrate the importance of accountability for individuals and institutions.
Resources & References
- What is hacky-sack?
- Scripture references: Mark 2:1-12
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Episode 20: Restore
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Sam Abel, CPC's Middle School Ministry Director, joins Kevin and Brandon for this week's episode. Listen as they talk through Sam's sermon last Sunday and the impact of Jesus' ability to bring restoration in scripture and our lives.
Introduction - 0:17
- A little about Sam Abel, Middle School Ministry Director.
Jesus’ Restoration in Scripture - 12:25
- Jesus takes personal responsibility for the lepers’ restoration.
- Mark demonstrates the kingdom of God through Christ’s restoration.
- The physical and spiritual need for restoration
Jesus’ Restoration in Our Lives - 22:03
- Who have we banished?
- How can we move toward people the way Jesus did?
- What areas do we avoid in our lives and how do we learn to face it head-on?
Resources & References
- He Is Able - The Maranantha! Singers
- God of this City - Chris Tomlin
- Rivulose - marked with irregular, narrow, sinuous, or crooked lines
- GoFundMe for Sam’s Dish Gloves
- Sozo (greek) - to save, keep safe and sound, to rescue from danger or destruction.
- “People are hard to hate up close. Move in.” from Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown (researcher, speaker, & author)
- John 5 - The man healed at the Pool of Bethesda
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Episode 19: Practice
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
CPC’s Vision Director Rachel Almeida joins Kevin and Brandon to talk through this past Sunday’s sermon. They explore what it looks like to practice the kingdom and find connection with God in a world constantly competing for our attention.
Silence, Solitude, and Hurry-Sickness - 5:40
- The importance of silence and solitude in modern life.
- How can we move out of hurrying and into the presence of God?
Disconnect to Connect with God - 18:10
- Eremos: How Jesus practiced the Kingdom.
- The role of prayer in connecting us to God.
What does this look like in real life? - 26:50
- The practice of prayer and teaching our brains to tune in.
- Engaging with Jesus versus performing for Jesus.
- “Can you ever really imagine Jesus busy? When you think about the life of Jesus, you can’t ever really imagine him rushing around.”
- “Solitude affords us that opportunity to unplug to both assess our life as well as become comfortable with inefficiency.”
- “If we want the life of Jesus, we have to take on the lifestyle of Jesus” - Dallas Willard
- “The more I’m connected with God, the more I have his perspective and his priorities… from that flows everything else.”
Resources & References
- The Difference between Busy and Hurry (article)
- Eremos meaning
- Dallas Willard - theologian and philosopher